Sunday, June 11, 2017

Excerpt: Lovin A Gangsta Ain't Easy: Jacinda & Mikah's Love Story (introducing the ruthless Ebony Black)

     Shut the fuck up, bitch! Where the fuck is Mikah’s money, you drugged out whore!? You must think that this shit is a game, huh, bitch?” Ebony barked. “Mikah don’t play about his money, now either you pay up or you lay down! What the fuck is it going to be?”
Ebony had a frail, deep brown toned broad in the back seat of her tinted out 2017 Audi A4 with the barrel of a gun pointed at her head. The terrified woman was screaming for her life. The woman had a drug debt with Mikah that she hadn’t paid in weeks. She was ducking and dodging his phone calls and other attempts to contact her, and that didn’t sit well with Mikah at all. Ebony Black was his bottom bitch and he knew that she would get the money owed to him one way or another. Ebony was gorgeous but dangerous as well.
The frightened heroin addicted woman screamed again in response to Ebony’s inquiry. Ebony smacked her across the face with the butt of the gun, busting her nose and causing it to leak like a faucet.
“Bitch, now I gotta fuck you up for bleeding all over my custom upholstered interior! You ain’t got money to clean this shit up, you can’t even support your fucking drug habit, you fucking junkie!”
“Please! I can get Mikah’s money right now! Please, just don’t kill me!” the strung-out lady pleaded with Ebony. “Let me go in the house and get it. I just got my disability on the first.”
Ebony let the woman’s nappy and matted weave go.
“Bitch, you got sixty motherfucking seconds to have Mikah’s money in my hand. I’m watching your every move too, so don’t make me come in there looking for you, or it’s going to get uglier than those beat-up ass shoes that you wearing! Understood!?”
The middle-aged woman, who had visibly been on drugs for most of her adulthood, shook her head frantically, letting it be known that she understood Ebony’s demands. She exited the vehicle, her nose dripping on the pavement as she bolted across the parking lot of the apartment complex they were in into her apartment unit. Ebony watched closely to see which door she went into in case she had to act on the promise she had just made. She didn’t make threats and that was how she earned her spot as Mikah’s bottom bitch.
Ebony watched the digital clock on the deck in her vehicle’s dashboard change to the next minute, signaling that the junkie’s sixty seconds were up. She was anxious and finicky, so what was only sixty seconds felt like sixty minutes. She was on a mission and she wasn’t going to let Mikah down and possibly lose her spot on the throne. She worked hard to get to the position she was in, and she knew that one day,  she and Mikah would be together and would retire with all the money they would ever need. Maybe move to an island or something and have some pretty ass babies. Ebony was always there for Mikah. Any time of day or night, if he called, she answered, and did whatever it was that he needed her to do with no complaints, attitudes, or questions asked.
Mikah saved Ebony from herself. She was a little hood rat girl with no education and a pussy and pretty face. She was getting nowhere in life fast when she met Mikah, when she was just sixteen years old. Ever since then, Big Daddy Mikah and Ebony Black, the alias he gave her, had been wrecking shit and rocking heavy.
Ebony got out of her car and headed to the door that she saw the dope fiend go into. Without even knocking on the door, Ebony upped her gun and shot through the door and at the locks on the door. Ebony was a petite woman but strong for her size. The streets raised her somewhat well. She kicked in the door of the apartment. She saw where her bullets hit random targets inside of the unit.
“This bitch think it’s a fucking game I see,” she spoke of the woman as the sixty seconds came to an end.
“Where the fuck you at, bitch!? I told yo’ stupid ass sixty seconds. Are you fucking retarded too?”
Ebony heard a noise coming from the back of the apartment. She upped her gun because she didn’t know who else was possibly in there with her. She strolled calmly through the apartment, checking in closets and rooms and behind closed doors until she found her target.
“What the fuck!?” Ebony shouted
The woman was in the middle of shooting up heroin when Ebony walked in, startling her. They were most likely some of the drugs that she owed Mikah for. And if they weren’t, that meant she was buying drugs elsewhere with the money that she owed Mikah. Either way, the bitch had to be made an example out of. Ebony walked over to the high woman who was already to the point of no return and was oblivious to the danger she was in, almost like she had forgotten that Ebony was even waiting for her.
Ebony hit her on the back of her head with the gun. The woman fell unconscious, hitting her head on the table she was sitting at to prepare her dose of high. Blood poured from a wound on her head this time and she didn’t move. Ebony was satisfied with that. She was a strung-out druggie in a drug infested neighborhood that was found in an apartment filled with drugs. If the police found her, whether it was dead or alive, Ebony would be the last person on their radar. Plus, that was Mikah’s hood. The people that lived there knew not to talk about nothing that they saw or heard or they could very well end up like the woman that was unconscious and bleeding profusely from her head lying on the floor. Ebony retreated to her car, but not before ransacking the place looking for the money the woman claimed she had. She found it in a shoe box under a bed. It was more than enough. Ebony called Mikah.
“Hey, daddy! I got your money. I’m coming to see you now!”

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